My Return On Investments (ROI) over Time

Investors are keen to know how their money will perform over time in the Future. As with everything in life, there is always a tradeoff.

  • The Higher the risk, the Higher the reward
  • The Lower the risks, the Lower the rewards
  • If it is too good to be true, it’s probably not true!
    • Lower Risks ⇓ do not ≠ normally deliver Higher rewards⇑

The calculator below is a good guidance to simulate how much money you can make. Use it to figure out where best to spend your money today.

This calculator applies to almost all aspects of your everyday life – from savings accounts offered by banks to stock market investments.

  • The more frequent the calculations, the more money you make
  • Never under-estimate the power of inflation to erode your money
  • Always ask yourself whether you can make more money investing in another way